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Inverter Module Type B 85676690

Inverter Module Type B 85676690

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Replacement Main inverter Module.

Generator Guru says:

The Inverter Module Controls the AC output, the engine speed by way of the Carb Carburettor Stepper Motor and feeds back information to the Ignition Controller.

If you have no throttle control on your generator and the engine speed is fluctuating, please see the Carb Carburettor Stepper Motor listing for further information.

If you have no throttle control and have also lost AC output, then this is a sure sign that the Inverter as failed.

If the green light on the Ignition Controller CDI is not showing, then test by connecting a light or something of low cost on the AC Sockets while the generator is running. If you have no power output, you will require a new Inverter. If there is power output, then replace the Ignition Coil Controller.

To replace the Inverter, you will need to undo the middle screw and remove the Round Fuel On/Off Switch from the front of the Generator before removing the Housing. Also undo the Handle Fixing Seat where the Recoil Rope comes from the Housing.

*Compatible part