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A Full Service Kit 85204238

A Full Service Kit 85204238

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Service Kit includes:

  • Air Filter- Quality Air Filter designed for your generator to maximise fuel consumption and particle barrier. 
  • Oil Filter
  • In Tank Fuel Filter
Generator Guru says: Your generator turns at 3000/3600 rpm. This high speed means your generator will need to be maintained to the highest standard. Almost all the generators we have fixed over the years have come in as the generator was not maintained properly.
The causes of expensive repairs can be, rust in the fuel clogging the fuel system and seizing the engine, clogged up air filters forcing dirty air into the cylinder, and oil that is dirty or over 6 months old causing excess strain on the engine wearing gears and piston rings.
Service your Generator every 6 months or 150 hours. 150 hours may seem to often but to put it in car terms if you drive at 3000 rpm in top gear (60-80 m/h or 100-120km/h) you would have done an average of 10,500 miles or 16,500 km.
If you run your Generator regularly for business, be sure to work out a service schedule. Keeping to it could save you money from lost trading days. 
Please Note: We can no longer provide Engine Oil with our Service Kits due to shipping restrictions, please see the oil product listing (on the model's parts page) to see the oil specification and quantity for your engine.

*compatible part